Through Inclusive Financial Services (IFS), Agricultural / Business Development Services (Ag/BDS) and Institutional Development Services (IDS) to rural poor households under one umbrella.
Promoting Sustainable
Livelihoods, including for the
Rural Poor and Women
Vision & Mission

— Vision
“Equity for Equity – our efforts to use capital (financial, physical, human, social, natural and intellectual) to work towards bringing of opportunity and social justice to all our fellow beings.

— Mission
To promote a large number of sustainable livelihoods, including for the rural poor and women, through the provision of financial services and technical assistance in an integrated manner.
BASIX will strive to yield a competitive rate of return to its investors so as to be able to access mainstream capital and human resources on a continuous basis

— Strategy
To provide a comprehensive set of livelihood promotion services which include Financial Inclusion Services (FINS), Agricultural / Business Development Services (Ag/BDS), Skill building and Institutional Development Services (IDS) to rural poor households under one umbrella.
BASIX is a livelihood promotion institution established in 1996, working
with over a 3.5 million customers.
— The Logo Depicts The Vision of BASIX.
Inspired by the Yin-Yang duality, the logo has broadly the following meaning.
The circle represents the globe, our mother Earth, half of which is dark blue, representing poor, who are excluded from opportunities for better livelihoods. The white dot in the dark region represents an area of hope, arising from the talents and aspirations of the poor and the efforts of BASIX to promote livelihoods.
The white part is the economically more prosperous world, but colourless, and it can benefit from the vibrancy and talents of the dark blue part. The lines represent BASIX attempts to establish linkages between the two zones. These linkages include capital, human resources, technology, markets, institutions and policies. The environment is represented by the circular boundary, which also depicts the Earth. Anything that we do to enhance prosperity (Samruddhi), has to be sustainable for both zones together.
Our motto, ‘Equity for Equity means that BASIX attempts to use capital (financial, human, social and natural capital) to work towards bringing equality of opportunity and social justice in society, globally.

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